Personal Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Gender * MaleFemale
Email *
Date of Birth *
Phone Number *
Jamatkhana Centre (Most Commonly attended) * Auckland, New Zealand
Emergency Contact
Contact Relationship
Add Another Contact Person Remove
Sports Information
Select Indoor Sport —Please choose an option—SoccerNetballCricket
Level of Proficiency —Please choose an option—BeginnerIntermediateProfessional
Is there a particular position you play in this sport? (Please note: We can't guarantee you a position, this will just guide us in forming teams evenly).
Interested in playing a second sport on the day? We can't guarantee this due to potential scheduling issues but we'll give it a go and be in touch with you when we've closed registrations. Please note: Additional $5 fee applies for additional sport. YesNo
Which Sport? —Please choose an option—SoccerNetballCricket
Are you opt for warmup game? *Additional warm game fee $5 *We can't guarantee this due to potential scheduling issues but we'll give it a go and be in touch with you when we've closed registrations. YesNo
For youth (12-15), Game On will create teams to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of the kids across the various date ranges
Health Information
Do you have Health Insurance/Medicare? * YesNoPrefer not to say
Please provide name of your Health Insurer *
Health Insurance Number *
Do you have any allergies? * YesNo
Please provide more details *
Do you have any dietary requirements? * YesNo
Do you have any existing medical conditions? * YesNo
Payment Received YesNo Payment Amount National Payment Received YesNo
18-Registration-Forms-Consent I accept the terms and conditions
U18-Consent Under 18 Participant - I accept the terms and conditions.
Please check the information below. If everything looks correct, press submit.
I understand that this registration will only be confirmed once payment is made at Jamat khana by DATE TO BE CONFIRMED. The registration fees are as follows: Adult Athletes Fees (18+) $20 per person Junior Athlete Fees (>12 but <18) $15 per person
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